Wednesday, August 24, 2011

So, I started a blog.

In retrospect, I am giving myself a facepalm, and wondering why in the world I almost called this blog what I did. If you must know, I came very close to naming it "Writings of a Homeschooled Pastor's Kid." But after mulling it over, I figured that a blog should reflect a person, and how they see themselves, and realized that when I describe myself, a "homeschooled pastor's kid" is one of the last facts about me that I would use. Put simply, yes, that's what I am, but no, it's not WHO I, in lieu of that terrible idea, my blog is called "Generational Misfit," and I shall explain that presently. I'm kind of a traditional girl, but by that I don't mean to give the impression that I have extremely conservative beliefs.(My views on many things are actually fairly liberal, within the boundaries of my faith.) But I am a bit old-fashioned style-wise, and love taking the time to enjoy the simpler things in this life. In essence, contrary to much of Gen Y, I'd rather not spend my free time at the mall, or at a movie theatre, or really inside any city building(Yes, those things are fun on occasion, but not something I'd hope to do very often.) Instead, the perfect day for me includes any or all of the following: my fave music, reading, music, going for a long walk, music, baking and music. I also love wrapping up in a quilt of an evening, sitting by an open window (especially if it's raining), sipping tea or hot chocolate and reading by candlelight. In a nutshell, sometimes I think I was born in the wrong time period, even though I know God has me here for a reason. I'm also a bit outdoorsy, and don't think I'll ever outgrow climbing trees, romping in the mud, or dancing in the rain (when no one's looking ;-) ) Anyways, you should also know that if I seem a bit random in my future posts, it's because, by nature, I am. Randomness and dorkiness seem to go hand-in-hand and I am living proof of that. But basically, I would much rather "think out loud" here, "ramble," if you will, than end up talking to myself (because some would consider that insanity). So...yeah. I guess that's all for now.

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